Sunday, October 27, 2019

Here is a compilation of links talking about autistic women & girls, especially relating to getting diagnosed or being undiagnosed, as well as how autism can present in some women. However not all autistic women and girls fit the descriptions in these articles, and plenty of boys/men and non-binary/gender-non-conforming people do. None of this is exclusive to girls/women or required of them!

These links may also include some problematic language (ableism, gender binarism, functioning labels, etc) and ideas (though I try to avoid the ones that are especially so). Sharing these links does not necessarily mean I agree with/approve of all the ideas (or language) therein. However I think a lot of these links can be useful for some people, so I am sharing them along with this warning. Also, I would LOVE to compile a list like this for non-binary and gender non-conforming people, so please send me any links on that subject you know of!

A masterpost featuring (select) peer-reviewed research on women & girls coming soon!

Common Traits & Experiences

Diagnosing Autism in Women & Girls

Articles Featuring Late Diagnosis Stories


I've not read these so I can't speak to how good any of them are, please leave a comment if you've read any of them!

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